HP-83/85 General Statistics Pac Disk


The General Statistics Pac allows you to run one-sample analysis, paired-sample analysis, chi-square, one- and two- way analysis of variance, t-test, and multiple linear regression. The Pac also provides functions that replace reference tables for right-tail probabilities for eight common continuous and discrete distributions.

The programs in this directory were included with the Series 80 General Statistics Pac. They apply to all the machines in the Series 80 family.

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The file names of the programs in these directories may have been changed because of incompatibilities between either the Unix or the DOS/Windows filesystems. Essentially, spaces and "/" characters were converted to "_" and .BIN extensions were added to the files. Use the following table to locate the correct Series-80 filename when transferring the file back to the LIF floppy. Finally, be sure to read the instructions for transferring programs and data from your workstation to your Series 80 computer.

If you have the ability to create a floppy from a binary image, here is the entire diskette image: HP85-GeneralStatPac.BIN.


------------ Series 80 --------------  --- Web Site ---
Name         Type       Bytes   Recs    Len   Name
DIRECT       BASIC       256    12      2941  DIRECT.BIN
ONESAM       BASIC       256    46     11596  ONESAM.BIN
ONESM2       BASIC       256    28      7156  ONESM2.BIN
PAIRED       BASIC       256    34      8551  PAIRED.BIN
PAIR2        BASIC       256    39      9897  PAIR2.BIN
PAIR3        BASIC       256    23      5721  PAIR3.BIN
CHISQR       BASIC       256    45     11431  CHISQR.BIN
RXCCHI       BASIC       256    26      6565  RXCCHI.BIN
TSTAT2       BASIC       256    36      9050  TSTAT2.BIN
ONEAOV       BASIC       256    52     13123  ONEAOV.BIN
TWOAOV       BASIC       256    52     13307  TWOAOV.BIN
DISTR        BASIC       256    24      5937  DISTR.BIN
MLR          BASIC       256    43     11007  MLR.BIN
STCOM        BASIC       256    47     11916  STCOM.BIN
STCOM2       BASIC       256    16      3849  STCOM2.BIN

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