The Regression Analysis Pac analyzes relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. This software lets you use the least squares method to fit your data to a polynomial regression or to a multiple linear regression. Requires use of the Basic Statistics and Data Manipulation Pac.
The programs in this directory were included with the Series 80 Regression Analysis Pac. They apply to all the machines in the Series 80 family.
The file names of the programs in these directories may have been changed because of incompatibilities between either the Unix or the DOS/Windows filesystems. Essentially, spaces and "/" characters were converted to "_" and .BIN extensions were added to the files. Use the following table to locate the correct Series-80 filename when transferring the file back to the LIF floppy. Finally, be sure to read the instructions for transferring programs and data from your workstation to your Series 80 computer.
If you have the ability to create a floppy from a binary image, here is the entire diskette image: HP85-RegressionPac.BIN.
VOLUME NAME: ------------ Series 80 -------------- --- Web Site --- Name Type Bytes Recs Len Name ADVST BASIC 256 3 600 ADVST.BIN DATA DATA 300 18 4608 DATA.BIN REENT BASIC 256 4 823 REENT.BIN MLR1 BASIC 256 22 5625 MLR1.BIN MLR2 BASIC 256 12 2966 MLR2.BIN STEP1 BASIC 256 21 5366 STEP1.BIN STEP2 BASIC 256 22 5503 STEP2.BIN POLY1 BASIC 256 22 5414 POLY1.BIN POLY2 BASIC 256 27 6704 POLY2.BIN RESID BASIC 256 21 5196 RESID.BIN EX-MLR DATA 700 20 5120 EX-MLR.BIN EX-POL DATA 700 20 5120 EX-POL.BIN DOCRG1 BASIC 256 37 9427 DOCRG1.BIN DOCRG2 BASIC 256 27 6733 DOCRG2.BIN REDZER BPGM 256 5 1152 REDZER.BIN