FILE/80 is a solution oriented file management system designed to provide the user with an efficient method of managing files and producing useful output from the information in the files. The management is a combination of adding new records, searching for existing records and modifying or deleting them. Interactions with the information file are designed to optimize the use of machine features and on-screen menus to create an efficient and friendly user interface.
The file names of the programs in these directories may have been changed because of incompatibilities between either the Unix or the DOS/Windows filesystems. Essentially, spaces and "/" characters were converted to "_" and .BIN extensions were added to the files. Use the following table to locate the correct Series-80 filename when transferring the file back to the LIF floppy. Finally, be sure to read the instructions for transferring programs and data from your workstation to your Series 80 computer.
If you have the ability to create a floppy from a binary image, here are the entire diskette images: HP87-File80-Pgm1.BIN, HP87-File80-Pgm2.BIN, HP87-File80-Pgm3.BIN, HP87-File80-Pgm4.BIN, and HP87-File80-Data.BIN.
VOLUME NAME: DISC#1 ------------ Series 80 -------------- --- Web Site --- Name Type Bytes Recs Len Name CRFORMS BASIC 256 215 54893 CRFORMS.BIN QUERY BASIC 256 265 67711 QUERY.BIN Createmesg DATA 256 31 7936 Createmesg.BIN Querymesg DATA 256 26 6656 Querymesg.BIN DUMMY_ROOT DATA 256 24 6144 DUMMY_ROOT.BIN FILE/80 BASIC 256 8 1912 FILE_80.BIN F/80mesg DATA 256 3 768 F_80mesg.BIN F/80START BASIC 256 105 26735 F_80START.BIN Startmesg DATA 256 20 5120 Startmesg.BIN BIN15 BPGM 256 2 323 BIN15.BIN BIN24 BPGM 256 17 4206 BIN24.BIN STEVIE BPGM 256 45 11503 STEVIE.BIN FILE/80BIN BPGM 256 30 7434 FILE_80BIN.BIN VOLUME NAME: DISC#2 ------------ Series 80 -------------- --- Web Site --- Name Type Bytes Recs Len Name REPORTHIGH BASIC 256 199 50941 REPORTHIGH.BIN LABELSHIGH BASIC 256 130 33122 LABELSHIGH.BIN LETTERHIGH BASIC 256 171 43756 LETTERHIGH.BIN SPECS BASIC 256 166 42241 SPECS.BIN RLL-MES DATA 256 39 9984 RLL-MES.BIN MESS2 DATA 256 17 4352 MESS2.BIN F/80mesg DATA 256 3 768 F_80mesg.BIN Startmesg DATA 256 20 5120 Startmesg.BIN FILE/80 BASIC 256 8 1912 FILE_80.BIN F/80START BASIC 256 105 26735 F_80START.BIN BIN15 BPGM 256 2 323 BIN15.BIN FILE/80BIN BPGM 256 30 7434 FILE_80BIN.BIN STEVIE BPGM 256 45 11503 STEVIE.BIN BIN24 BPGM 256 17 4206 BIN24.BIN VOLUME NAME: DISC#3 ------------ Series 80 -------------- --- Web Site --- Name Type Bytes Recs Len Name SORT BASIC 256 97 24686 SORT.BIN SortMesg DATA 256 8 2048 SortMesg.BIN LABELLOW BASIC 256 214 54629 LABELLOW.BIN LabelMesg DATA 256 14 3584 LabelMesg.BIN REPORTLOW BASIC 256 259 66147 REPORTLOW.BIN RepMesg DATA 256 12 3072 RepMesg.BIN SPECS BASIC 256 166 42241 SPECS.BIN MESS2 DATA 256 17 4352 MESS2.BIN F/80START BASIC 256 105 26735 F_80START.BIN F/80mesg DATA 256 3 768 F_80mesg.BIN FILE/80 BASIC 256 8 1912 FILE_80.BIN Startmesg DATA 256 20 5120 Startmesg.BIN BIN15 BPGM 256 2 323 BIN15.BIN BIN24 BPGM 256 17 4206 BIN24.BIN STEVIE BPGM 256 45 11503 STEVIE.BIN FILE/80BIN BPGM 256 30 7434 FILE_80BIN.BIN VOLUME NAME: DISC#4 ------------ Series 80 -------------- --- Web Site --- Name Type Bytes Recs Len Name REDEFINE BASIC 256 172 43962 REDEFINE.BIN Redemesg DATA 256 22 5632 Redemesg.BIN REDEFLOW BASIC 256 225 57444 REDEFLOW.BIN Relowmesg DATA 256 21 5376 Relowmesg.BIN BACKUP BASIC 256 60 15262 BACKUP.BIN Backupmesg DATA 256 12 3072 Backupmesg.BIN RECOVERY BASIC 256 96 24497 RECOVERY.BIN Recovmesg DATA 256 18 4608 Recovmesg.BIN DUMMY_ROOT DATA 256 24 6144 DUMMY_ROOT.BIN FILE/80 BASIC 256 8 1912 FILE_80.BIN F/80mesg DATA 256 3 768 F_80mesg.BIN F/80START BASIC 256 105 26735 F_80START.BIN Startmesg DATA 256 20 5120 Startmesg.BIN BIN24 BPGM 256 17 4206 BIN24.BIN BIN15 BPGM 256 2 323 BIN15.BIN STEVIE BPGM 256 45 11503 STEVIE.BIN FILE/80BIN BPGM 256 30 7434 FILE_80BIN.BIN VOLUME NAME: DEMO ------------ Series 80 -------------- --- Web Site --- Name Type Bytes Recs Len Name CLIENTS_R DATA 256 60 15360 CLIENTS_R.BIN CLIENTS_A **** 256 15 3840 CLIENTS_A.BIN CLIENTS_B **** 256 14 3584 CLIENTS_B.BIN CLIENTS_C **** 256 15 3840 CLIENTS_C.BIN CLIENTS_D **** 256 14 3584 CLIENTS_D.BIN CLIENTS_1 DATA 306 42 10752 CLIENTS_1.BIN REPORT_S DATA 256 36 9216 REPORT_S.BIN LETTER_T DATA 256 44 11264 LETTER_T.BIN LABEL_L DATA 256 25 6400 LABEL_L.BIN