HP-86/87 Professional Communications Pac Disk


Professional Communications (PC) is HP's most advanced software for telecommunications. Using either the Series 80 Modem or an external modem (autoanswer/autodial, 300 or 1200 baud) this software streamlines the whole communications process. A built-in text editor is used to write messages for printing or transmission to other computers. The file management system indexes all messages for later retrieval. Messages can be transmitted manually or automatically, either from the keyboard or from stored files. A "bulletin board" mode allows other computers to call in and read mail or send mail. A copy of all communications activity is stored on disc for later reference.

Note: The Series 80 Modem includes software; PC is optional software with additional capabilities.

System Configuration


Original Suggested Retail Price


The file names of the programs in these directories may have been changed because of incompatibilities between either the Unix or the DOS/Windows filesystems. Essentially, spaces and "/" characters were converted to "_" and .BIN extensions were added to the files. Use the following table to locate the correct Series-80 filename when transferring the file back to the LIF floppy. Finally, be sure to read the instructions for transferring programs and data from your workstation to your Series 80 computer.

If you have the ability to create a floppy from a binary image, here are the entire diskette images: HP87-Prof-Comm-Prog.BIN, and HP87-Prof-Comm-Data.BIN.


------------ Series 80 --------------  --- Web Site ---

Name         Type       Bytes   Recs    Len   Name
IPBINg       BPGM        256    15      3826  IPBINg.BIN
ADUMPB       BPGM        256     3       534  ADUMPB.BIN
RTRIMB       BPGM        256     1       128  RTRIMB.BIN
AP           BPGM        256    14      3352  AP.BIN
XLATE        BASIC       256     2       294  XLATE.BIN
YLATE        BASIC       256     2       302  YLATE.BIN
LOADB        BPGM        256     1       251  LOADB.BIN
PC           BASIC       256     1       133  PC.BIN
5            BASIC       256   384     98234  5.BIN
*HDR         BASIC       256     1       181  *HDR.BIN


------------ Series 80 --------------  --- Web Site ---

Name         Type       Bytes   Recs    Len   Name
PHONEL       DATA         51    20      5120  PHONEL.BIN
36           DATA        207     1       256  36.BIN
35           DATA        199     1       256  35.BIN
EDIT         DATA       13000    51     13056  EDIT.BIN
ACT          DATA       10000    40     10240  ACT.BIN
DAY          DATA       13000    51     13056  DAY.BIN
XTRACT       DATA         85    34      8704  XTRACT.BIN
001          DATA        267     2       512  001.BIN
002          DATA        915     4      1024  002.BIN
003          DATA       3076    13      3328  003.BIN
9            DATA        231     1       256  9.BIN
29           DATA        226     1       256  29.BIN
23           DATA         99     1       256  23.BIN
12           DATA         73     1       256  12.BIN
1            DATA        166     1       256  1.BIN
387          DATA       2227     9      2304  387.BIN
6            DATA        461     2       512  6.BIN
30           DATA        322     2       512  30.BIN
85           DATA        196     1       256  85.BIN
VINDEX       DATA        128    45     11520  VINDEX.BIN
562          DATA       1890     8      2048  562.BIN
*HDR         BASIC       256     1       177  *HDR.BIN

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