HP-83/85 Standard Pac Disk

Descriptions and listings for these programs may be found in the Standard Applications Pac Manual.

Note: Make sure that the Volume name on the diskette is STD, otherwise, automatic loading of programs may not work.

The file names of the programs in these directories may have been changed because of incompatibilities between either the Unix or the DOS/Windows filesystems.

Essentially, spaces and "/" characters were converted to "_" and .BIN extensions were added to the files. Use the following table to locate the correct Series-80 filename when transferring the file back to the LIF floppy.

Please read the instructions for transferring programs and data from your workstation to your Series 80 computer.

These programs are tape-based, and due to the tokenization system used by the Series80 BASIC, they will insist on accessing the tape even if you have a floppy or hard disk installed and have changed the default mass storage device. In order to convert these programs for use with the Mass Storage ROM, please read the section Translating Tape-Based programs to Disc-Based programs (page 28) of the HP-85 Mass Storage ROM Manual.

If you have the ability to create a floppy from a binary image, here is the entire diskette: StandardPac85.BIN.

Acknowledgments: I would like to thank Mike Davis for contributing these files.


------------- HP-85 --------------   --- Web Site ---
Name        Type     Bytes   Recs    Len      Name

MOVING      BASIC80    256    40    10092    MOVING.BIN
AMORT       BASIC80    256    17     4223    AMORT.BIN
POLY        BASIC80    256    29     7277    POLY.BIN
SIMUL       BASIC80    256    47    11913    SIMUL.BIN
ROOTS       BASIC80    256    19     4625    ROOTS.BIN
CURVE       BASIC80    256    55    13948    CURVE.BIN
FPLOT       BASIC80    256    22     5393    FPLOT.BIN
DPLOT       BASIC80    256    43    10825    DPLOT.BIN
HISTO       BASIC80    256    36     9092    HISTO.BIN
TEACH       BASIC80    256    27     6909    TEACH.BIN
CALEND      BASIC80    256    22     5606    CALEND.BIN
BIORHY      BASIC80    256    21     5263    BIORHY.BIN
TIMER       BASIC80    256    30     7628    TIMER.BIN
COMPZR      BASIC80    256    56    14133    COMPZR.BIN
SKI         BASIC80    256    20     5103    SKI.BIN
MUSIC       DATA80     256    44    11264    MUSIC.BIN
ABIORH      DATA80     256    26     6656    ABIORH.BIN
AMOVIN      DATA80     256    35     8960    AMOVIN.BIN
AAMORT      DATA80     256    21     5376    AAMORT.BIN
APOLY       DATA80     256    19     4864    APOLY.BIN
ASIMUL      DATA80     256    23     5888    ASIMUL.BIN
AROOTS      DATA80     256    21     5376    AROOTS.BIN
ACURVE      DATA80     256    50    12800    ACURVE.BIN
AFPLOT      DATA80     256    27     6912    AFPLOT.BIN
ADPLOT      DATA80     256    40    10240    ADPLOT.BIN
AHISTO      DATA80     256    38     9728    AHISTO.BIN
ATEACH      DATA80     256    38     9728    ATEACH.BIN
ACALEN      DATA80     256    28     7168    ACALEN.BIN
ATIMER      DATA80     256    26     6656    ATIMER.BIN
ACOMPZ      DATA80     256    47    12032    ACOMPZ.BIN
ASKI        DATA80     256    22     5632    ASKI.BIN
AJULIN      DATA80     256     3      768    AJULIN.BIN

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