HP-86/87 Demonstration Disk

The file names of the programs had to be changed because they were not compatible with either the Unix or the DOS/Windows filesystems.

Essentially, spaces and "/" characters were converted to "_" and .BIN extensions were added to the files. Use the following table to locate the correct Series-80 filename when transferring the file back to the LIF floppy.

Finally, be sure to read the instructions for transferring programs and data from your workstation to your Series 80 computer.

Reading the on-line instructions

1. Loading the program

2. To display the description: 3. To print the description on your printer: 4. To end the program. 5. To experiment with the CARDFILE program:

Program files

----------- HP-87 ------------   -- Web Site --
Name        Type  Bytes   Recs   Len   Name

UTIL/1      BPGM   256     12   3584  UTIL_1.BIN
GETSAVE     BPGM   256      6   2048  GETSAVE.BIN
GDUMP       BPGM   256     14   4096  GDUMP.BIN
ASKIOB      BPGM   256      5   1792  ASKIOB.BIN
r           BPGM   256      1    768  r.BIN
PIE         PROG   256     31   8448  PIE.BIN
PIE-86      PROG   256     32   8704  PIE-86.BIN
 eng pie    DATA  1024      1   1536  _eng_pie.BIN
 fra pie    DATA  1024      1   1536  _fra_pie.BIN
 deu pie    DATA  1024      1   1536  _deu_pie.BIN
 ita pie    DATA  1024      1   1536  _ita_pie.BIN
 esp pie    DATA  1024      1   1536  _esp_pie.BIN
CARDFILE    PROG   256     99  25856  CARDFILE.BIN
DEMO DISC   DATA   256     65  17152  DEMO_DISC.BIN
BINARIES    DATA   256     65  17152  BINARIES.BIN
WORLD       DATA   256     65  17152  WORLD.BIN
FEATURES    PROG   256     28   7680  FEATURES.BIN
 HP logo    DATA   256      5   1792  _HP_logo.BIN
GRAMPLE     PROG   256      1    768  GRAMPLE.BIN
 eng gramp  PROG   256     17   4864  _eng_gramp.BIN
 deu gramp  PROG   256     12   3584  _deu_gramp.BIN
BATS        PROG   256      4   1536  BATS.BIN
 batb       BPGM   256     35   9472  batb.BIN
MUSIC       PROG   256     24   6656  MUSIC.BIN
 nation     DATA   256     68  17920  _nation.BIN
 scores     DATA   256    120  31232  _scores.BIN
BACKUP      PROG   256      2   1024  BACKUP.BIN
 backup     PROG   256     29   7936  _backup.BIN
BAR CHART   PROG   256     16   4608  BAR_CHART.BIN

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