HP-86/87 Action Games Pac


The Action Games Pac is designed to turn your desktop into an amusement center. It contains the following six arcade-style games:

System Configuration


Original Suggested Retail Price



Note: The file names of the programs in these directories may have been changed because of incompatibilities between either the Unix or the DOS/Windows filesystems. Essentially, spaces and "/" characters were converted to "_" and .BIN extensions were added to the files. Use the following table to locate the correct Series-80 filename when transferring the file back to the LIF floppy. Finally, be sure to read the instructions for transferring programs and data from your workstation to your Series 80 computer.

If you have the ability to create a floppy from a binary image, here is the entire diskette image: HP87-ActionGames.BIN.


------------ Series 80 --------------  --- Web Site ---
Name          Type      Bytes   Recs    Len   Name
Autost       BASIC       256    37      9362  Autost.BIN
FLASH        BPGM        256    11      2780  FLASH.BIN
CRISSCROSS   BASIC       256    10      2319  CRISSCROSS.BIN
CC           BPGM        256    24      6051  CC.BIN
DODGE BALL   BASIC       256    14      3432  DODGE_BALL.BIN
DB           BPGM        256    12      3069  DB.BIN
RACE         BASIC       256    21      5182  RACE.BIN
RACEB        BPGM        256     7      1782  RACEB.BIN
RACE RECS    DATA        256     1       256  RACE_RECS.BIN
HEEBIE       BASIC       256    13      3273  HEEBIE.BIN
HG           BPGM        256     8      1995  HG.BIN
SPOOL        BASIC       256     8      1879  SPOOL.BIN
SP           BPGM        256    21      5143  SP.BIN
MOUSER 1     BASIC       256     7      1546  MOUSER_1.BIN
MICE 1       BPGM        256    47     11858  MICE_1.BIN
MOUSER C     BASIC       256    18      4354  MOUSER_C.BIN
MICE C       BPGM        256    48     12113  MICE_C.BIN
MOUSER NC    BASIC       256    14      3427  MOUSER_NC.BIN
MICE NC      BPGM        256    44     11144  MICE_NC.BIN

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