HP-9111A Drawing Tools Disk for the HP-86/87

This disk contains programs and data files described in the System Tools manual for the HP-86/87. This manual describes a set of programs that allow the HP-86/87 to be used as a CAD system. A special section of this web site contains manuals and other information regarding the HP-9111A tablet.

Note: The programs in this collection are arranged on two diskettes. Make sure that the Volume name on the first diskette is DRAW and the second one EDITOR, otherwise, automatic loading of programs may not work.

The file names of the programs in these directories may have been changed because of incompatibilities between either the Unix or the DOS/Windows filesystems.

Essentially, spaces and "/" characters were converted to "_" and .BIN extensions were added to the files. Use the following table to locate the correct Series-80 filename when transferring the file back to the LIF floppy.

Please read the instructions for transferring programs and data from your workstation to your Series 80 computer.

If you have the ability to create a floppy from a binary image, here is the entire diskette images: HP9111A-Draw.BIN and HP9111A-Editor.BIN.

Acknowledgments: I would like to thank Mr. Glenn Sherwood for contributing these files.


------------ HP-85 -------------   --- Web Site ---
Name        Type    Bytes   Recs   Len    Name
GKEYB       BPGM80    256     6    1390   GKEYB.BIN
DRAWMENU    BASIC80   256    43   10807   DRAWMENU.BIN
DRAW        BASIC80   256   274   69985   DRAW.BIN
MENUMAKER   BASIC80   256    84   21304   MENUMAKER.BIN
DRIVER      BASIC80   256    25    6224   DRIVER.BIN


------------ HP-85 -------------   --- Web Site ---
Name        Type    Bytes   Recs   Len    Name
AND         DATA80    256     2     512   AND.BIN
NAND        DATA80    256     3     768   NAND.BIN
OR          DATA80    256     3     768   OR.BIN
NOR         DATA80    256     3     768   NOR.BIN
XOR         DATA80    256     3     768   XOR.BIN
NOT         DATA80    256     3     768   NOT.BIN
DFF         DATA80    256     3     768   DFF.BIN
TFF         DATA80    256     3     768   TFF.BIN
JKFF        DATA80    256     3     768   JKFF.BIN
LOGIC       DATA80    256    20    5120   LOGIC.BIN
GKEYB       BPGM80    256     6    1390   GKEYB.BIN
EDITORMENU  BASIC80   256   137   34904   EDITORMENU.BIN
EDITOR      BASIC80   256   277   70850   EDITOR.BIN
SCOTT#1     DATA80    256     7    1792   SCOTT_1.BIN

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